
As I was saying yesturday there are quiet a few things in my ideas list that can be broken down into serials or related stories etc…

There is the Liquorish Stories:

1)Wiggliest Tickliest Liquorish

14)Rolly Polly Liquorish

16)Swerly Twerly Liquorish

23)Squiggly Wriggly Liquorish

25)Bootalicous Delicous Liquorish

26)Scrumptous Lushas Liquorish

27)Bobbolly Wobboly Liquorish

28)Scriggly Scraggly Liquorish

Hetty Peglar series:

5)Hetty Peglar’s Skeleton Dance

12)Hetty Peglar’s Pumpkin Ball

19)Hetty Peglar’s Dragon Fly

20)Hetty Peglar’s Spooky Reunion

21)Hetty Peglar’s Batty Bat – Balinda

In fact I have already written a Hetty Peglar story called Hetty Peglar’s Tump for Halloween this year! These two are most definatly serials so I shall call them as such rather than bandying the individual titles around for now!

Posted: Saturday, November 7th, 2009 @ 1:53 pm
Categories: Uncategorized.
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