Archive for February, 2012

12×12 in 2012 February Edition

Tuesday, February 28th, 2012

I only have half a draft written this month I’m afraid 🙁 It is Poor Soggy Moggy which is a tail of how a stray pussy cat gets adopted and welcomed into a home even though it is mangy and smelly. Based on a true story too!

The other 60 Activity Poetry Titles

Tuesday, February 21st, 2012

Copy Right Issues

Tuesday, February 14th, 2012

Do to the copy right stuff with using olympic stuff I doubt The Olympic Book of Poetry, Prose and Projects will be a sellable book – or not unless I get permission etc… but that isn’t the point – the first step is getting it ready for my little girls 🙂 It does however now […]

The Olympic Book of Poetry, Prose and Projects

Tuesday, February 7th, 2012

I am currently attempting to write poems on all things to do with sports, activities and hobbies. I have also hit on the idea of 10 stories mainly about animals and robots and the like. Obviously the Olympic Games are here in the UK this year so me and my little girl are getting very […]