ScriptFrenzy and Comic books

Because I am bonkers and love my writing challenges I am currently taking part in Script Frenzy which is a sort of off shoot of NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month) and I have decided to a comic book script of it!

I’m mentioning it here as I will abviously be illustrating this at some point and am having to work on the basic story board anyway. The comic is based on the over all story arc that my NaNo novel is part of – the novel starts in the middle – the comic starts at the beginning!

It’s a science fiction story but may seem fantasy at times and I want to do some fun things stylistically with the drawings and set out 🙂 However this is a steep learning curve and I can already tell I am not going to meet this challenge but am in stead laying the foundations to be able to next year:) I hope to share the process of the pictures on here but the general story stuff is chronicled on my Nanowrimarian Monster known as Purple.

Posted: Tuesday, April 13th, 2010 @ 4:30 pm
Categories: Uncategorized.
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