Archive for the 'Festive Poetry' Category


Saturday, May 4th, 2013

I have finished Picture Book Writing Week for the first time within the time period and more than that – EARLY! It is really just amazing! So now I am pondering what next 🙂 There are a set of paintings from ages ago that need finishing – for What Can You See Under The Sea […]

It’s Christmas Time

Tuesday, November 27th, 2012

Well ok not quiet yet but with two weddings to attend and the presents only half knitted I need to think Christmassy. Also I wanted to try and get all the hard graft for The Little Book of Festive Poetry sorted. I was going to leave the audio version until next year but I’ve built […]

A Learning Experience

Monday, November 26th, 2012

So yesterday I did the village craft fayre all profits were for charity and yet it was the worst one I have ever done. It was slow – all of them are being slow at the moment but something else was going on, people were still buying the odd bit from the other stalls. Now […]

Cranham Craft Fayre

Saturday, November 24th, 2012

So I am taking along copies of The Little Book of Festive Poetry to the Cranham Craft Fayre tomorrow! I will sign them if asked and profit goes to buy the school new books for their library. Its on from 10 – 4 and I will also have copies of Running to Stand Still an […]

Things Left To Do for Festive Poetry

Saturday, November 24th, 2012

I have the PDF, I have the printed physical article, but I still need to do a lot of stuff for this book. For a start I need to record a little trailer thing for it like I did for The Spoogy Book, I also want to record the poems for audio book but there […]

20p a Sheet

Friday, November 23rd, 2012

Ok so like last year I am printing out Little Books of Festive as I just did not have the capital to get them printed, especially as I am not getting the money from the sales so I didn’t want to pay out a lot of money when the idea is to raise money for […]

Half Way Mark

Thursday, November 15th, 2012

I am half way through the month and am on 12 hours of hard graft on my childrens/picture books, this is below where I should be but the reason for this is that I have been focusing on the writing challenge for #nanowrimo which is going fantastically well. But what I have done is organise […]

PiBoIdMo 2012

Thursday, November 1st, 2012

And it is here again Picture Book Idea Month and I am excited as always – I will try to post everyday again during the challenge as I find that works best for my own momentum. I will be sorting out 30 ideas though I have to confess I see this more as a consolidation […]

Reading of The Little Book of Festive Poetry

Thursday, December 22nd, 2011

Here is a video of me reading The Little Book of Festive Poetry at The Brewery Shopping Centre in Cheltenham. I am very grateful to have been asked though the event did over run and it was icy cold – not so good when you’ve got two little ones with you! The little girl sneaking […]

Binding Issues

Thursday, December 15th, 2011

So I had a few issues with the binding – basically sewing a) took too long and b) ment the book was too thick in the middle where the stitching is – it looks lovely but isn’t really practical 🙁 And stapling with a normal stapler wont work as it looks ugly and the amount […]