Illustrating The Olympic Book of Poetry

I started looking at illustrating the book but am very sad that I basically can not use any of the logos or anything as it would be seen a copywrite infringement. They are being very very militant about things and to be honest I am starting to loose heart in the project. I have hundreds of poems about sport on about five of which mention the Olympics but even that seems to be not allowed 🙁

I will consider what to do and in the mean time just do general sport illustrations for my girls. I’m sort of just going going for boarders of footballs and things rather than any of my complex pictures and it is not all the poems and I haven’t even started the poems – they are sceduled for next month but I may need to look at what I was going to write!

Posted: Tuesday, April 3rd, 2012 @ 9:32 am
Categories: Olympic.
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