What Can I See Under The Sea – A plan

As a story idea for a board book this one has actually been kicking around for awhile but I sort of forgot about it due to an incident involving aunts’in’law muddy welly’s and paintings drying on the floor – followed by a ‘Jelly Fish do not have eyes, so why have you painted eyes on this Jellyfish?’

This probably discredits it from the list and I should take it out but I think I’m going to keep it as I feel it is about the only way I will now ever complete it!

The idea is that this is very much a baby board book with nice under water pictures with friendly creatures that the child has to find. It runs through all the ‘main’ colours and ends with a rainbow of some sort – probably a coral knowing me 🙂

I think it will be 12-14 pages long.

Hopefully some sketches and stuff of it will be up soon 🙂

Posted: Wednesday, November 11th, 2009 @ 2:50 pm
Categories: Uncategorized.
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