Christina Clucklesworth

I’ve now written this story too – it is about a chicken who suddenly finds herself raising ducklings. She is a foster mother and runs along clucking when the ducklings go swimming. The story is based on my nan’s tale of putting duck eggs under the chickens as they are better ‘sitters’ so more eggs hatch and are actually better mothers than ducks so more of the ducklings survive. But they had one chicken who would run along next to the ducklings whilst they swam, fussing and scolding them.

My Nan died when I was about 6 but I still remember this story so vividly – I read the story to my Dad who’s first comment was how he wished his mother had been there to hear it 🙂

Posted: Tuesday, March 23rd, 2010 @ 1:25 pm
Categories: Uncategorized.
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