Publication Decissions

You may have noticed that I am talking a lot about producing books myself – why am I doing this rather than going for a pub. company? There are many reasons not least the fact that one small/medium sized company is still sitting on some stuff I’d done and are not likely to do anything with it. I therefore want more control over the pub. process. The other thing is that the Spoogy and Festive Poetry books are really only for people who know us – I’ve had other people express an interest in buying copies for their kids so I’ll produce an e-book version and a POD version (print on demand).

If demand ever gets high enough I will go and get a batch printed and distribute to actual book shops.

And there we have it – Print on demand is another reason – as far as I can see it is more environmentally friendly as if they don’t sell they wont be pulped and they wont be moved around in big lorries from one place to another etc…

I don’t think this is the right route for every body but it’s what I’m choosing to go for and don’t worry I have an editor for the books as I am well aware my spelling and grammar are in a world of their own!

Posted: Tuesday, January 19th, 2010 @ 11:08 am
Categories: Uncategorized.
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One Response to “Publication Decissions”

  1. Orange Monster » Blog Archive » Ideas, the Web, Copy Write and Piracy Says:

    […] others as well – to do with the environment and my craft background and what not – which I posted right at the beginning here on this blog. So why do I put my ideas and even some of the writing and illustrations on line? Where everyone […]

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