12×12 in 2012 January Edition

To stop me going insane with rhyming kids poetry I have had a little brake this last week to work on my first draft for 12×12 in 2012. I decided to go with Harry Hydrogen – this is actually the first book of a set called The Periodic Periodicals and is something I initially planned out whilst still at college!

They are a series of picture books a bit like the Mr Men book but about the elements of the periodic table instead!

I’ve written the draft which I read out with some rough byro sketches to my family – my mother bizarly was ecstatic with the exclaimation ‘Oh Sarah! That is a perfect learning aid! You must get it published!’ this surprised me as my mother hates most of my writing and is a retired teacher!

So month on of this challenge is completed! Now to finish unpacking the house :/

Posted: Monday, January 30th, 2012 @ 12:30 am
Categories: 12x12 in 2012, The Periodical Periodicals.
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