A Month of Illustration

I now have alot of things to be getting on with having been comissioned to write a children’s book series (YAY! Victory dance!) but I still need to keep up the personal goals – especially as I feel I will need skills learnt from them for the contract work.  I thought about things about and realised I wasn’t really getting enough time to draw and paint and work on my characters for the picture books.

I’ve had people ask why don’t I hire an artist to do this but a) that costs money and b) I have fixed ideas of the styles and looks of the books and I like drawing and painting and mucking about with images on the computer.  So I have lots of stories that if not finished int he polished sense are ready enough for me to be working on the characterizations at least.

This is why I have decided June is going to be my Month of Illustration.

So hopefully I will have a list of projects and a more formalised plan by the beginning of the month!  Again wish me luck 🙂

Posted: Friday, May 28th, 2010 @ 9:27 am
Categories: Uncategorized.
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